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Tiny House Listings Canada

Canada’s #1 Source for the Tiny House Movement


Tiny House Listings Canada is the #1 Google ranked website for people who are motivated to Buy, Rent or Sell a small home in Canada.
We believe in what we share with our audience and we are happy to
work on behalf of the many Canadian manufacturers, builders,
content creators and any related company that is helping to make this lifestyle a success.

Our marketing channels include direct advertising, social media, 
email marketing, television, radio and more —
our digital message reaches decision-makers anytime and anywhere.

From our social media channels, followed by thousands of people daily,
to our mobile responsive website and reaching our regular newsletter updates,
readers get the information they need to make important
buying decisions anytime and anywhere. 

We are the top destination for information, listings and commentary
on the movement overall.

Tiny House Listings Canada is a powerful combination of practical
information, culture and ideas with a clear point of view: we share the
most relevant information for this audience.

The site is edited for the enthusiast’s and designed to surprise,
educate and delight. Our readers are motivated to purchase tiny homes
and related products/services,  and they trust our website to inform
their buying decisions.




2023 – New Advertising Opportunities Coming Soon

We’re about to change things up, with a new team on board
and some fresh approaches to how we do things. 




Facebook Features
Website Banner Ads (details coming soon)
Builder Listing/ Directory (update coming soon)
Builder & Contractor Reviews
(update coming soon)
Newsletter Ads/Features
Blog Features


If you would like information about our new advertising packages
(available April, 2023),
please contact us using the form below.

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