Tiny House Regulations in Toronto
Tiny House Regulations in Toronto
To effectively approach each of Ontario’s largest municipalities regarding tiny house regulations, including Toronto – it’s very important to use the following 3 step process for each municipality. Following this 3-step process ensures you will be organized, confident, efficient with your time, and that the appropriate officials will take you seriously as you advocate for your Tiny House living.

STEP 1 : INFORM YOURSELF. - Understand the specific zoning and bylaw restrictions.
Toronto permits tiny homes as secondary suites, laneway suites, or garden suites, but there are strict rules. When approaching the city, mention that your tiny home will comply with zoning by-laws, specifically:
- Fire Department Access: Ensure that your tiny home is within 45 meters from the street for emergency access, and that the path is at least 1 meter wide with sufficient headroom.
- Lot Size & Setbacks: Tiny homes in Toronto must be no larger than 40% of the rear yard or 60 square meters, whichever is smaller. A minimum 1.2-meter setback from neighboring properties is required.
Tree Preservation: Acknowledge the city’s priority on preserving trees and landscaping, as removing trees for development may require city approval. Make sure to inquire about specific variances or exceptions, especially for laneway homes or garden suites.
Utility Connections: Understand the procedures for connecting the unit to municipal water and sewage.
STEP 2: PREPARE FOR CONTACT. - Locate the contact info for the appropriate officials regarding your detailed questions.
There are specific officials responsible for zoning and bylaw restrictions in Toronto. You’ll need to know who they are, their contact info, and the best times to reach them. We’ve done the research for you – please see the button below to download a FREE PDF with the contact list.
STEP 3: REACH OUT. - Contact said officials regarding the specific requirements you'll need to know in order to move in the right direction.
Once you have prepared yourself with steps 1 & 2, you can now reach out to the appropriate official. You will need to know exactly what to ask them, and HOW to ask them. We have included a FREE PDF template that you can copy/ paste in your contact, specifically for Toronto.